Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Greetings all,

On this day we commemorate Heraclius the Elder taking power from the Emperor Phocas in the culmination of the Heraclian revolt on October 3rd in 610 AD:

Heraclius had been the Exarch of Carthage during the ruinous reign of the Emperor Phocas, and finally rose into rebellion. He cut off the grain supply and with his brother Gregorius sailed to Constantinople. Upon entering the city on this day he was greeted by the people as their deliverer.

His son Heraclius the Younger was crowned Emperor on October 10th.

Heraclius the Elder was named a Hero of Byzantium Novum in 2018.  Heraclius the Younger was named a Hero of Byzantium Novum in 2019. 

There should be cake!  :)

-Marcus Cassius Julianus


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