Monday, September 9, 2024

 Greetings all,

Today we commemorate Constantine II, Constantius II and Constans (the sons of the Emperor Constantine) becoming co-Emperors on September 9th in 337AD:

The Empire was divided between the three Augustii. Because... what could *possibly* go wrong?  :)

-Marcus Cassius Julianus


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

 Greetings all,

Today we commemorate with sadness the removal of Romulus Augustus as the final Emperor of the Western Emperor on September 4th in 476 AD:

Popularly known as "Romulus Augustulus" because of his young age, his life was actually spared by the barbarian general Ordoacer. Romulus was granted a stipend equal to the annual income of a wealthy Senator, and he retired to the Villa of Lucullus in Naples. Little is known of his life after that. It is commonly thought he may have eventually become a monk, and he may well have lived to see the return of Roman rule to Italy when the Byzantines returned in the time of Justinian the Great.

-Marcus Cassius Julianus


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Greetings all,

Today we celebrate the Byzantine victory at the Battle of Lalakon, fought between Byzantine and Arab forces on September 3rd in 863 AD: 

Abbasid Caliphate forces had invaded northern Turkey, and reached the Black Sea. The Byzantines marshaled their forces and encircled the Arab army near the river Lalakon. The Byzantine forces were victorious and the Arab emir was killed. The Byzantines were thereafter able to mount a counteroffensive across the border. The Byzantine victories were decisive and paved the way for the Empire's ascendancy in the East, and the generals that won the victory were granted a triumphal entrance into Constantinople.

-Marcus Cassius Julianus