Greetings all,
On this Day we reflect on the Roman
Emperor Julius Nepos being forced to flee Rome to his capital city of
Ravenna after the revolt of the Roman general Orestes on August 28th in 475 AD:
Orestes installed his son, Romulus Augustus (Romulus Augustulus) as
Emperor. Julius Nepos fled to Dalmatia, and was able to remain in power
there until his death in 480. The young Romulus Augustus was never
recognized in the Eastern Empire and was quickly deposed by Ordoacer.
This in essence was the final end of the Western Roman Empire.
Julius Nepos and Romulus Augustulus were tragic figures. Julius was
planning to retake the West but didn't make it, and young Romulus never
had enough power to begin ruling.
-Marcus Cassius Julianus