Monday, June 3, 2024

 Greetings all,

Today we reflect on one of the most bizarre episodes of Roman history, when the usurper Julius Nepotianus took over the city of Rome on June 3rd in 350 AD:

Nepotianus took the city with a troop of gladiators, no less!  (That's a bit like someone taking over London with a couple of Rugby teams...)

He was the son of Constantine's half-sister, and he managed to hold the city for nearly a month before troops loyal to Magentius returned to the city to deal with him. Nepotianus may not have been the smartest would-be Emperor in the pool, but he was nothing if not brave as he even stayed to fight it out at the end. 

I have to admit I'm impressed by this Mad Lad... and even offer 12x12" canvas prints of the ultra-rare coins he quickly minted during his brief rule: 

(If anyone buys this canvas wall hanging  100% of the proceeds go to Byzantium Novum for domain and website hosting!)

-Marcus Cassius Julianus

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