Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Greetings all,

On this day we celebrate the Emperor Constantine VII becoming sole Emperor of the Byzantine Empire (at 8 years old!) on June 6th in 913 AD:

Constantine VII was made ruler under a nine man regency headed by the Patriarch Nicholas Mysticos, which was appointed by Emperor Alexander who died on this day also in 913 AD.

Emperor Alexander was considered a "lecherous, lazy and malignant drunk" who was accused of idolatry, but his young successor Constantine VI was a bright and scholarly young man. Although quiet, withdrawn and overshadowed by regents most of his life he had some military successes and is the author of "De Ceremoniis", an amazing and complete record of Byzantine court ritual which still survives to this day.

There should be cake!  :)

-Marcus Cassius Julianus


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