Friday, July 5, 2024


Greetings all,
Today we commemorate the official opening of Constantine's Bridge across the Danube, which was ceremonially done in the presence of Emperor Constantine himself on July 5th in 328 AD:

It is believed that the Emperor Valens used the bridge to cross the Danube during his campaign against the Goths in 367 AD.
Interestingly, coins minted by Constantine with a bridge on the reverse were long thought to represent the Milvian Bridge. However the  Milvian Bridge is still standing and the bridge on the coins looks nothing like it, so they probably represent Constantine's Bridge which was built on pontoons instead of being an arched bridge. Truly this was a marvel; it was the longest river bridge in all of antiquity being 2,434 meters in length!
 -Marcus Cassius Julianus


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