Saturday, May 11, 2024


Greetings all,
On this day we commemorate International Byzantine Day, the first Holiday created in Byzantium Novum:

On this day, May 11 in 330 AD, the Emperor Constantine officially consecrated Constantinople as the new Capital city of the Roman Empire. The city was officially blessed by both the Church and the priesthood of the ancient religions, and holy artifacts from both (including the Palladium and artifacts associated with he life of Jesus) were buried at the base of the Column of Constantine to empower Constantinople with sacred energies.
This is a wonderful day to remember, celebrate and promote Byzantine Civilization and Culture. It is a day to recognize that if the Roman world could be renewed once, it can be renewed again... and that we ALL can make a fresh start for ourselves if we are willing to.
Please take some time today to remember the Eastern Roman Empire, and enjoy its amazing heritage!

Oh, and feel free to have cake.  :)
-Marcus Cassius Julianus


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